Certificat de Performance EnergetiqueEnergy Pass

EnergyConsult provides the energy pass for all types of buildings.
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Guide to Improving Energy Efficiency

EnergyConsult News

myenergy days 2014
(EN) Find out how we can support your project - competent and reliable. (DE) Wir zeigen Ihnen gerne, wie wir Ihr Projekt unterstützen können - kompetent und zuverlässig. (FR) Laissez-nous vous montrer comment nous pouvons soutenir votre projet - compétent et fiable.

Luxembourg - truly good
EnergyConsult featured in Luxembourg Ministry of Economy image campaign

PRIMe House update 12oct2012
Présentation du nouveau régime d'aides àpd 2013 - Updates regarding government subsidies after 2013

Prime House - Subsidien /Subsidies
offizielle Bekanntgabe der neuen staatlichen Förderung für energieeffizientes Bauen & Sanieren, ---- EN -----> official news regarding new state subsidies for energy efficient building & renovation

Offizielle Bestätigung - Avis public
Klasse B-C wird Mindeststandard für Neubauten ab Juli 2012 - CPE classes B-C deviennent exigences minimales pour les bâtiments residentiels à partir de 7/2012


Elevated heat losses
on the right and
above the entrance, also air
leaks on door seals


High heat losses on the
side wall of dormer window
(insulation missing?)


Floors create significant
thermal bridges
(building 1996)

Infrared Thermography

When is infrared thermography beneficial?

Infrared thermography can identify problems and weaknesses that would otherwise not be visible to the naked eye.

  • Poorly executed renovation
  • Thermal bridges (risk of mould, high heat loss)
  • Moisture problems
  • Air leaks
  • Blocked Pipes

Infrared thermography is not mandatory for an energy efficiency consultation for state subsidies, but can often be a useful addition towards identifying the most urgent priorities. We can make an evaluation/ recommendation for your specific case.

How is infrared thermography carried out?

In order to gain meaningful results, the building must be heated. The temperature difference between inside and outside should be at least 8 ° C. More...


Costs will depend on the complexity of the project. Contact us for a non-binding offer.


Pertes calorifiques à cause
de fuites et d'une mauvaise
étanchéité des caissons

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