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EnergyConsult News

myenergy days 2014
(EN) Find out how we can support your project - competent and reliable. (DE) Wir zeigen Ihnen gerne, wie wir Ihr Projekt unterstützen können - kompetent und zuverlässig. (FR) Laissez-nous vous montrer comment nous pouvons soutenir votre projet - compétent et fiable.

Luxembourg - truly good
EnergyConsult featured in Luxembourg Ministry of Economy image campaign

PRIMe House update 12oct2012
Présentation du nouveau régime d'aides àpd 2013 - Updates regarding government subsidies after 2013

Prime House - Subsidien /Subsidies
offizielle Bekanntgabe der neuen staatlichen Förderung für energieeffizientes Bauen & Sanieren, ---- EN -----> official news regarding new state subsidies for energy efficient building & renovation

Offizielle Bestätigung - Avis public
Klasse B-C wird Mindeststandard für Neubauten ab Juli 2012 - CPE classes B-C deviennent exigences minimales pour les bâtiments residentiels à partir de 7/2012

EnergyConsult News

» Think Climate, Act Clever.

Ministry for Environment presented updated financial incentives

On 24 Jan 2008 Lucien Lux, the Luxembourg Minister for the Environment presented an update of financial incentives for home improvements regarding energy efficiency. In this context, two new brochures have been published that describe best practice in the use and control of heating and ventilation systems, some of the most widely used methods for improving energy efficiency, and the respective financial aides that can be obtained. The brochures can be obtained at local communes or through the ministry’s website www.emwelt.lu . More information is also available on the free telephone hotline 8002 1190. Applications for financial aid can be obtained through www.environnement.public.lu/guichet_virtuel/energie/formulaires_RGD_2008/index.html
Posted on 01 Mar 2008
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